Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's Begginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Well, it's getting pretty close to that special time of year. We are putting up decorations. I have to admit they are rocking this year. I mean they look good!!! Well my personal favorite part of puting up decorations is setting up the nativity scene. It's my job every year. I'd have to say Christmas tree decorations comes in second. We did get an awesome tree this year and that made it about ten times more fun! Third is setting up lights on the house. It's fun but I can't really do anything I just sit on the steps with my coccoa and watch my dad do it, but it's still fun to watch. Especially when it gets dark out the first night. You can stand outside and look at them untill you get too cold and run back inside. Well, have a merry Christmas!!!!!

1 comment:

Frizzball said...

wassup sydney it's frizzball! ur christmas tree is sooo cool! i wish ours was that pretty!