Thanksgiving was really fun for me. We had a huge dinner, bet you never guessed that was coming, lol, then on Saturday me, my dad, and Jamie, my step-mom went to a tiny town about three hours from here in Ennis called Cooke City (which I was kind of bumed about because I usually go to Miles City to see my mom and sister and two brothers for Thanksgiving, but at the same time it was fun to go on a vacation). We took Scooby, my dog and she LOVED it! She has been acting really lazy and bored lately so we figured that would do the trick to make her feel better and it did. She was acting like a puppy again, esspecially on our walks and hikes threw the REALLY deep snow, even though every now and then her entire body would just dissapear and fall because it was so deep, lol.Me standing next to an old miners cabin:
But we didn't go on the trip just for Scooby of course. We decided that we needed to do something exciting. I mean, we haven't been on a vacation since a year ago! Well, I suppose it was only a semi-vacation because Cooke City isn't that far from Ennis and we only stayed there for one night. But we stayed at this great hotel. Everyone there was so nice, you felt like you knew them your entire life and they loved Scoob. They let her run around the lobby and play with one of the workers dogs (a six month beagle--cute)! And there was this great fireplace. After a walk, me and Scoob would cuddle up by it (when she wasn't having fun with her new friend, lol). But yes, before we knew it the trip was over :(.Bighorn sheep we saw driving home:
Scooby snoozing in the car on the way home:
Kinda sad, I know, but it was kinda good to be home. You know, just the feeling of being home after a trip. Scooby was happy to see her usual neiborhood dog friends; Molly, Veto, etc.
Great Thanksgiving, huh?
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